50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (Rakes and Rogues)

50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (Rakes and Rogues) - Jade Lee I am not sure I can say enough about this book to let you know how good this book was! It is the first in the series"Rakes and Rogues". So that is a plus to get to read the first book of the series and not be out of order reading. I loved the book as it was funny, loving, caring and the characters developed to well as the book head to the end. It also wrapped up a secondary character in the book you like in a goofy sort of way. If you love to laugh while reading a good love story this book is for you! I liked how the heroine took charge of her life and I thought the Hero was really good too. He stood up for himself and didn't stop at humbling himself to win his lady love. Jade Lee is a great writer and I have loved all her books but I have to say that this is the best one I have read so far and that is saying a lot. I read this book in one read.. I could not put it down!! I would highly recommend this book!!